FEATURE PRESENTATIONS in Alphabetical Order by Topic:

A - E F - L M - P R - Z Other

    Ancestry: My Search for a Civil War Ancestor:
a history of the 94th New York Infantry from Jefferson County.
Speaker: Lyle Merriam, Member CWRT/GK - November 2003

Speaker: Gord Sly - November 2012

    Animals in the Civil War
Speaker: Dr. Cheryl Wells - January 2021

    Antebellum Trail: Georgia
Speaker: Gord Bell - January 2019

    Antietam Campaign
Speaker: Paul Van Nest - January 2014

    Antietam Revisited in DVD
Speaker: Gord Bell - May 2017

    Antietam: the Federal Camp following the battle
Speaker: Gord Bell - December 2014

    Appomattox Campaign
Speaker: Gord Sly - February 2017

    Artillery: Pre-Civil War Ordiance
Speaker: Bill Patterson - January 2008

    Artillery, Field & Selected Battles
Speaker: Murray Hogben - May 2011

    Artillery, Field: Part 2
Speaker: Don Coulter - April 2012

    Artists for Civil War Newspapers
Speaker: Murray Hogben - March 2015

    Atlanta Campaign including the Battles of Atlanta
Speakers: Don Coulter and Murray Hogben, Members CWRT/GK - May 2004

   Atlanta, Battle of - 22 July 1864
Speaker: Murray Hogben, Member CWRT/GK - April 2007

   Atlanta, Battle of - complete text.
Author: unknown - May 2007

   Attitude Transitions from 'Soft War' to 'Hard War'
Speaker: Rod Holloway - Dec 2022

   Balloon Corps: The Rise and Fall of
Tom Brzezicki, Member CWRT/GK - Dec 2014

    Barton, Clara
Speaker: Susan Smith, Member CWRT/GK - June 2005

   Bearss: Ed speaks in Kingston to an audience of 200.
Sponsored by CWRT/GK - 6 June 2002
   Bermuda Hundred Campaign of 1864"
Speaker: Paul Van Nest, CWRT/GK - June 1998
   Blockade, The Federal Naval
Speaker: Converse, CWRT/GK - November 2001
   Booth Escape Route
Speaker: Kieran McAuliffe, Associate CWRT/GK - June 2003
   Bragg and Forrest: Friend and Foe
Speaker: Lloyd Therien, CWRT/GK - December 2020
   Brandy Station: Largest Cavalry Battle in North America
Speaker: Paul Van Nest, CWRT/GK - Febrary 2018
   Brice's Crossroads
Speaker: Lloyd Therien, CWRT/GK - November 2016
   Butler, A Modern Major General
Speaker: Morley Verdier, Ottawa National Capital CWRT - June 2000
   Butler: Beast or Patriot?
Speaker: Gord Sly - April 2021
   California in the Civil War
Speaker: Doug Huddle, CWRT/GK - September 2006
   Camels in South West USA
Speaker: Susan Schmidt, CWRT/GK & Ottawa - January 2016
   Canada and the American Civil War: Prelude to War
Speaker: Mark Vinet, Ottawa CWRT - October 2001
   Canada, an Assessment of Confederate Sympathies
Author: John Converse, CWRT/GK - Summer 2007
   Canada, its Role in Confederate Espionage
Speaker: Prof. Carman Cumming, Ottawa CWRT - November 2008
   Canada, Confederates in Canada
Speaker: Rod Holloway, CWRT - December 2019
   Canada, Confederate Secret Service: Part 2
Speaker: Rod Holloway, CWRT - September 2021
   Canada's Confederation: the Civil War as a Driving Force
Speaker: Paul Van Nest, CWRT - March 2002
   Canada's Confederation: Relations between Britain, Canada and the United States
Speaker: Gord Sly, CWRT - June 2022
   Canadian Veterans: Literary Recollections of Two of Them
Speaker: Murray Hogben, CWRT/GK - May 2000
   Canadians in the Civil War
Speaker: Claire Hoy - May 2005
   Canadians in the Civil War, Part 1
Speaker: Rod Holloway & Paul Van Nest - May 2012
   Canadians in the Civil War, Part 2
Speaker: Rod Holloway - Mar 2013
   Canadians in the Civil War, Dr. Solomon Secord
Speaker: Volker Gruetzner, CWRT/GK - February 2011
   Canals: Waterways of the Civil War"
Speakers: Don Coulter and Murray Hogben, CWRT/GK - May 1997
   Carolinas: Sherman's March through the
Speakers: Don Coulter and Murray Hogben, CWRT/GK - Feb 2006
   Carroll, Anna Ella
Speakers: Tom Brzezicki, CWRT/GK - Mar 2010
   Causes: The Historian's Enigma
Speaker: John Ashley, CWRT/GK - November 1999
   Causes of the American Civil War
Speaker: Klaus Hansen, Queen's University - January 2002
   Cavalry: From its Origins to the Civil War and Beyond
Speaker: Tom Cundill - February 2012
   Cedar Creek, Battle of
Speaker: Murray Hogben CWRT/GK - November 2009
   Cedar Creek, Getty & 2nd Division, VI Corps
Speaker: Murray Hogben CWRT/GK - May 2022
   Chamberlain, BG Joshua Lawrence
Speaker: John Moyer - CWRT/GK - February 2016
   Chancellorsville, including Fredericksburg
Speaker: Jack Pike - CWRT/GK - March 2001
   Chancellorsville: Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart's Role
Speaker: Geoff Hall - CWRT/GK - April 2005
   Chancellorsville: Change in Command
Speaker: Jack Pike - CWRT/GK - March 2006
   Chantilly, Battle of
Speakers: Murray Hogben and Don Coulter - CWRT/GK - April 2008
   Chickamauga Part I: Prelude, Day 0, Day 1
Speaker: Paul Van Nest - CWRT/GK - October 2010
   Chickamauga - Day 2: 20 Sep 1863
Speaker: Paul Van Nest - CWRT/GK - October 2011
   Christian Commission and Sanitary Commission
Bill Cookman - May 2024

   City Point During the Civil War
Speaker: Doug Huddle - CWRT/GK - January 2005
   City Point, A Visit
Speaker: Tarun Roy - CWRT/GK - March 2018
   Computer Tools in the Study of the American Civil War
Speaker: Ken Mackie (CWRT/GK), Roger Taylor (CWRT/GK), Cecil Law (Queen's University) - February 2002
   Confederate Yell - Origin in Revelutionary War?
Book Review by Tom Brzezicki, CWRT/GK - March 2021
   Copperheads in the Civil War
Speaker: Susan Smith, CWRT/GK - November 2002
   Corinth; also Iuka and Davis Bridge
Speaker: Gord Sly, CWRT/GK - February 2011
   Currency and Fiscal Policies - Confederate
Speaker: Malcom Applegate, CWRT/GK - January 2003
   Custer, George Armstrong
Speaker: John Moyer, CWRT/GK - May 2011
   Dahlgren, Admiral John
Presented by Lloyd Therien, CWRT/GK - May 2019
   Dahlgren/Kilpatrick Raid
Presented by Kieran McAuliffe, CWRT/GK - September 2004
   Daughters of the Confederacy
Presented by Dr. Cheryl Wells, CWRT/GK - March 2023
   Diseases: Mosquito-born. Yellow Fever and Milaria
Speaker: Bruce Cossar, CWRT/GK - May 2021
   Doctor: Letterman (Jonathan): An Address to the College of Physicians and Surgeons
by the Ghost of Jonathan Letterman MD
Speaker: Tom Kobolak, Ottawa National Capital - October 1998
   Doctor: Secord (Solomon): a Canadian serving in the Confederate Army
Speaker: Volker Gruetzner, CWRT/GK - January 2011
   Doctor: Wafer (Francis M.), A Surgeon in the Army of the Potomac
Speaker: Dr. Cheryl Wells, Univ. of Wyoming - June 2008
   Doctors: Canadian-born
Speaker: Rod Holloway - May 2012
   Doctors: Two Canadian Doctors at Gettysburg
Article edited by Paul Van Nest - Sep 2021
   Dodds, Edward E.: Canadian awarded the Medal of Honor
Speaker: Paul Van Nest - May 2012
   Douglas, Henry Kidd: On Jackson's and Early's Staff
Speaker: Dr. Peter Vasilenko - Sep 2023
   Eagle, Old Abe: 8th Wisconsin
Speaker: Dave Dorward, CWRT/GK - November 2022
   Emma Edmonds - Civil War Spy?
New Brunswick-born female in male disguise.
Written by John Converse, CWRT/GK - October 2005
   Environment: Impact on the War
and Impact of War on the Environment
Speaker: Rev. Bruce Cossar, CWRT/GK - March 2023
   Equipment and Rifle Drill
Speaker: Mike Samwell, CWRT/GK - April 2014


   Farragut: Mobile Bay
Speaker: the Clarabuts, CWRT/GK - February 2024
   Faux Pas in the Civil War"
Speaker: Dick Lee, CWRT/GK - April 2015
   Fenians and Canada -1866 to 1871"
Speaker: Jack Morgan, CWRT/GK - May 2002
   Fiction, The Civil War in
Speaker: John Moyer, CWRT/GK - March 2008
   Final Days, Apr 1 - 9, 1865
A DVD Presentation - January 2011
   Florida in the Civil War: Part 1
Bill Molson, CWRT/GK - September 2019
   Florida in the Civil War: Part 2
Bill Molson, CWRT/GK - October 2020
   Forrest, Nathan Bedford
Speaker: Tom Brzezicki, CWRT/GK - January 1999
   Forrest and Bragg: Friend and Foe
Speaker: Lloyd Therien, CWRT/GK - December 2020
   Forrest at Brice's Crossroads: Leadership Qualities in a Good Field Commander
Speaker: Lloyd Therien, CWRT/GK - June 2006
   Forts: Coastal
Speaker: Don Coulter, CWRT/GK - January 2010
   Fort Fisher and Wilmington
Speaker: Don Coulter, CWRT/GK - February 2007
   Fort Pickens
Speaker: Alan Kidd, CWRT/GK - January 2007
   Fort Pillow: Forrest's 1864 Spring Invasion of West Tennessee and Kentucky
Speaker: Lloyd Therien, CWRT/GK - November 2004
   Fort Pillow: Nathan Bedford Forrest - Hero or War Criminal?
Speaker: Teddy Pope, CWRT Toronto - October 2007
   Fort Pillow: from Forrest's Perspective
Speaker: Lloyd Therien, CWRT-GK - September 2014
   Franco-Prussian War - a Comparison with the American Civil War
Speaker: Wayne Pickering, CWRT/GK - April 2006
   Franklin, The Battle of
Speaker: Doug Huddle, CWRT/GK - February 2003
   Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville
Speaker: Jack Pike, CWRT/GK - March 2001
   Fredericksburg: the Southern Flank
Speaker: Paul Van Nest, CWRT/GK - June 2022
   Garnett - at Kernstown and Subsequent Charges by Jackson
Speaker: John Moyer, CWRT/GK - April 2004
   Generalship, Union Generals and Mediocrity
Speaker: Tom Cundill, CWRT/GK - February 2013
   Generals, Successful Union Generals
Speaker: Tom Cundill, CWRT/GK - November 2013
   Generals, Who Was the Best?
Speaker: Alan Kidd, CWRT/GK - September 2006
   Gettysburg - Day 2
Speaker: Jack Pike, CWRT/GK - February 1998
   Gettysburg, The Retreat from
Speaker: Jack Pike, Member CWRT/GK - January 2004
   Gettysburg, 8 Principles of War
Speaker: Jim Lutz, Toronto CWRT - October 2006
   Gettysburg, Lee's Real Plan
Speakers: Jack Pike, Don and son Graham Schurman - September 2009
   Gettysburg, The What-Ifs
A round-table discussion - March 2010
   Gettysburg, 50th Anniversary Reunion
John Moyer, CWRT/GK
   Gettysburg's Fishhook Line: Little Round Top vs Culp's Hill
Paul Van Nest, CWRT/GK
   Global Perspective of the American Civil War
Dr. Cheryl Wells
   Glorietta Pass & New Mexico
Roger Taylor
   Grant, Ulysses S. in 60 Minutes
Speaker: Derek Sykes, CWRT/GK
   Great Britain: Why she did not intervene in the ACW.
Speaker: Professor Geoff Smith, Queen's University - November 2007
   Grierson's Raid
Speaker: Murray Hogben, Member CWRT/GK - January 2014
   Guerrilla Warfare
Speaker: Gord Sly, Member CWRT/GK - May 2018
   Guilded Age: 1865 - 1898 and the Effect of the Civil War
Speaker: Chris Hall, Member CWRT/GK - November 2015
   Harper's Ferry and the Three Invasions of the North
Speaker: Jack Pike, CWRT/GK - March 1999
   Harvard's Civil War
Speaker: Brian Wherrett, CWRT/GK - February 2012
   Helena, Battle of
Speakers: Lloyd Therien and John Converse - March 2004
   Heros and Great Men
Speaker: John Ashley, CWRT/GK - October 2005
   Hill, AP: Lee's Forgotten General
Speaker: Bill Cookman, CWRT/GK - May 2016
   Hill, DH: His Rise and Fall
Speaker: Paul Van Nest, CWRT/GK - June 2015
   Holidays: a history from ante-bellum to present
Speaker: Dr. Cheryl Wells, CWRT/GK - January 2022
   Horses: "A Horse's Tale 1861-1865
Speaker: John Moyer, CWRT/GK - December 2017
   Hotchkiss, Jedediah
Speaker: Kieran McAuliffe, Toronto - May 2007
   Hunley, Confederate Submarine
Speaker: John Fox, CWRT/GK - September 2014
   Hunley, Confederate Submarine - the 1999 Movie
Host and commentator: Paul Van Nest, CWRT/GK - September 2023
   If The South Had Won The Civil War
Speaker: Edgar Mooney, CWRT/GK - March 2003
   Indianapolis: WW2 Sinking; and the Sinking of the Sultana
Speaker: Ken Mackie, CWRT - September 2003
   Indians in the American Civil War
Speaker: Peter Fox, CWRT-GK - March 2009
   Industry: How the North Won - Northern "Barons"
Speaker: Gord Bell - May 2021
   International Perspective of the American Civil War
Dr. Cheryl Wells
   Irish Brigade
Kieren McAuliffe (CWRT Toronto) - June 2009
   Irish Company of Vermont
Speaker: William McKone, Vermont - October 2012
   Jackson, Stonewall
Speaker: John Moyer - Mar 2017
   Jeff Davis Shoots Bull Nelson
Speaker: Bill Coulter - May 2014
   Jews and General Grant
Speaker: Gerry Tulchinsky, Queen's University - January 2001 #2
   Journalism in the Civil War
Speaker: Hope Kamin - June 2009
   Juneteenth: On Becoming a National Holiday
Speaker: Dr. Cheryl Wells - March 2024
   Kentucky: 1862 Campaign ending at Perryville
Speaker: Donald Coulter, CWRT/GK - October 2000
   Kentucky - Eastern: Camp Wildcat, Middle Creek, Mill Springs
Speaker: Alan Kidd, CWRT/GK - February 2005
   Kingstonians and the American Civil War
Speaker: Bruce Cossar, CWRT/GK - May 2018
   Leadership in Battle
Speaker: Maj. Danny MacLeod - December 2000
   Lee: General Edwin Gray Lee and His Family: A Canadian Connection
The presenter is a direct descendant.
Speaker: Dick Lee, CWRT/GK - February 2001
   Lee, Robert E.
Speaker: John Moyer, CWRT/GK - October 2019
   Lemmon Slave Case
Speaker: Robert May, Flint Michigan - October 2010
   Letters: Sgt Edgar Potter, 9th New York Cavalry
Speaker: Paul Van Nest & Barb Mallory - November 2017
   Letters: Kendall, captured at Reams Station
Speaker: Lloyd Therien - October 2022
   Lincoln as Commander-in-Chief
Speaker: James McPherson - January 2001
A Joint Meeting with the Ottawa CWRT at Canadian War Museum
   Lincoln Assassination: Finding the Missing Pieces
Speaker: Susan W. Smith, CWRT/GK - May 2001
   Lincoln Assassination: Mary Surratt and Son John
Speaker: Susan Smith, Ottawa CWRT - May 2010
   Lincoln Assassination, Role of John Surratt
Dick Lee, CWRT/GK
   Lincoln Assassination, Stanton Involved?
Speaker: Gord Sly - May 2024
   Lincoln Remembered
Speaker: Kieren McAuliffe, CWRT Toronto - Nov 2009
   Lincoln: Civil Liberties in War - Lincoln and Dissent"
Speaker: Prof. Geoff Smith, Queen's Univ - Dec 2011
   Logistics: Supplying Food to an Army
Speaker: Peter and Michelle Clarabut, CWRT - November 2022
   Longstreet: Lee's War Horse
Speaker: John Moyer, CWRT-GK - Mar 2014


   Mahon, William: biography
Speaker: Bill Cookman, CWRT/GK - February 2023
   Manassas I
Speaker: Paul Van Nest, CWRT/GK - November 2006
   Manassas II
Speaker: Mary Ann Mercier, CWRT/Ottawa - May 1999
   Maple Leaf, Kingston Ship in the Civil War
Speaker: John Fox, President CWRT/GK - April 2012
   Mascots in the Civil War
Speaker: Jim Lenard, CWRT/GK - February 2005

   McClellan, George Britton
Speaker: Bill Cookman, CWRT/GK - May 2015

   McClellan's War, author Rafus. A book review
Review by Tom Brzezicki, CWRT/GK
   McCooks, The Fighting
Speaker: Peter Fox, CWRT/GK - September 2012

   McLaws, Lafayette
Speaker: Jack Pike CWRT/GK - April 2000

   Medical Instruments used in the Civil War
Speaker: Rod Holloway, CWRT/GK - January 2011
   Medicine During the Civil War: Disease and Hospitals
Speaker: Dr. Jack Morgan, CWRT/GK - March 1998
   Medicine During the Civil War
Speaker: Dr. Jack Morgan, CWRT/GK - April 2008
   Medicine Revisited - Again in the Civil War
Speaker: Dr. Jack Morgan, CWRT/GK - December 2010
   Meigs, Montgomery C. Quartermaster General
Speaker: Bill Cookman, President CWRT/GK - April 2019
   Mississippi, Civil War on the Western Rivers
Speaker: Paul Van Nest, CWRT/GK - June 2014
   Mobile AL, Naval Battle
Speaker: the Clarabuts, CWRT/GK - February 2024
   Monocacy, Battle of
Speaker: Paul Van Nest, CWRT/GK - October 2007
   Morgan, John Hunt
Speaker: Dr Jack (John) Morgan, CWRT/GK - January 2000
   Mosby, John Singleton
Speakers: Roger Taylor and Lloyd Therien, CWRT/GK - February 2008
   Mosquito: the Killer
Speaker: Bruce Cossar, CWRT/GK - May 2021
   Music of the Civil War
Performers: Gord Sly and Gary McCabe, both CWRT/GK - December 2018
   Music of the Civil War: Part II
Performers: Gord Sly and Gary McCabe, both CWRT/GK - December 2019
   Naval Strategy - Confederate
Speaker: Ed Reed, CWRT Ottawa - November 2005
   Navy - Great Lakes
Speaker: Walter Lewis - November 2018
   Navies during the Civil War
Speaker: Brady Hennigar, CWRT Ottawa - September 2017
   Nelson, Bull: Shot by Jeff Davis
Speaker: Bill Coulter - May 2014
   New Market, Battle of and the VMI Cadets
Speakers: Roger Taylor & Paul Van Nest - Feb 2016
   Newspapers: Impact of the Media
Speaker: Gord Sly - May 2023
   Official Records On-Line
Speaker: Jack Pike, CWRT/GK - February 2010
   Oulustee, Battle of
Speaker: John Converse, CWRT/GK - October 1999
   Overland Campaign
Speaker: Tom Cundill, CWRT/GK - November 2015
   Pea Ridge, Arkansas"
Speaker: Paul Van Nest, CWRT/GK - February 1999
   Peninsula Campaign, Failure of Confederate Leadership"
Speakers: Donald Coulter and Murray Hogben, CWRT/GK - May 1998
   Peninsula Campaign, 3rd Vermont
Speaker: Bill Cookman - May 2013
   Perryville: ending 1862 Kentucky Campaign
Speaker: Donald Coulter, CWRG/GK - October 2000
   Perryville: Col. Starkweather Holds ON
Speaker: Murray Hogben, CWRG/GK - April 2018
   Petersburg Campaign
Speaker: Jack Pike, CWRT/GK - April 2001
   Pickett's Mill
Speaker: Paul Van Nest, CWRT/GK - January 2006
   Political System - The South
Speaker: Chris Hall, CWRT/GK - October 2014
   Port Hudson including the West Louisiana Campaign
Speaker: John Converse, CWRT/GK - December 2002
   Potter, Sgt Edgar, 9th New York Cavalry: letters home
Speaker: Paul Van Nest & Barb Mallory - November 2017
   Prairie Grove (Arkansas), The Battle of"
Speaker: Paul Van Nest, CWRT/GK - December 2001
   Preservation of Civil War Sites
From a speech by Jerry Russell, President - CWRT Associates
Edited by John Converse, CWRT/GK - September 2001
   Prison Camps, Union"
Speaker: Murray Hogben, CWRT/GK - June 2001
    Prisoners - Andersonville
Speaker: Gord Sly, CWRT/GK - November 2012

    Propoganda: Re-Inventing an Age Old Weapon
Speaker: Dr. Michelle Clarabut, CWRT/GK - November 2019


   Race: A Selective History from Lincoln to Obama
Speaker: Prof. Geoff Smith, Queen's University - November 2008

   Railroads in the Civil War
Speaker: Jim Lutz, CWRT/GTA - June 2013

   Railroads: Did They Win the War?
Speaker: Bill Cookman, President CWRT/GTA - March 2022

   Ream's Station - Wilson's Raid, 29 Jun 1864
Speakers: Lloyd Therien, John Converse, Marilyn Kendall - April 2009

   Ream's Station: Letters from Kendall.
Speaker: Lloyd Therien - October 2022

   Reconstruction: Impact of Lincoln's Death
Speaker: Prof. Cheryl Wells - June 2011

Speaker: Dr. Michelle Clarabut, CWRT/GK - October 2021

   Red River Campaign
Speaker: John Converse, Member CWRT/GK - December 2003

   Salem Church: Wargaming format
Master Wargamer: Ross Cossar - May 2023

   Sanitary Commission and Christian Commission
Bill Cookman - May 2024

   Schurz, Carl: General and Politician
Speaker: Volker Gruetzner, Member CWRT/GK - October 2013

   Secret Service in Canada
Speaker: Rod Holloway, CWRT - December 2019

   Secret Service in Canada: Part 2
Speaker: Rod Holloway, CWRT - September 2021

   Semmes, Raphael: and the CSS Alabama
Speaker: Dave Dorward, CWRT (Assoc) - December 2023

   Seven Days
Speakers: Don Coulter and Murray Hogben - May 1998

   Seward, The Life of William Henry
Speaker: Paul Van Nest - November 2016

   Sharpshooter in Army of Northern Virginia
Speaker: Miles Krisman, CWRT/Toronto - October 2015
   Sheridan/Warren Affair
Speaker: Jack Pike, CWRT/GK - April 2003
   Sherman, William Tecumseh: A Biography
Speaker: Derek Sykes, CWRT - April 2020
   Sherman's Crisis of Confidence in the Winter of 1861
Speaker: Tom Brzezicki, CWRT - November 2000
   Sherman's March to the Sea
Speakers: Don Coulter and Murray Hogben, CWRT - November #2, 2004
   Shiloh, The Battle of
Speaker: Paul Van Nest, CWRT - October, 2008
   Shiloh, The 2nd Day
Speaker: Paul Van Nest, CWRT - April, 2009
   Sickles, Dan: An American Scoundrel in the Civil War
Speaker: Dr. Brian Wherrett, CWRT - October 2004
   Small Arms and War in the Nineteenth Century
Speaker: Prof. Ron Haycock, Royal Military College, Dept of History - June 2004
   Smith, William Franklin (Baldy)
Speaker: Bill Cookman - June 2017
   Stanton Involved in Lincoln Assassination?
Speaker: Gord Sly - May 2024
   States Rights, An Argument in Defence of
Speaker: Chris Hall, CWRT-GK - April 2011
   States Rights, Part Two
Speaker: Chris Hall, CWRT-GK - June 2013
   Stuart, Maj. Gen. J.E.B. at Chancellorsville
Speaker: Geoff Hall - CWRT/GK - April 2005
   Stuart, J.E.B.
Speaker: John Moyer - CWRT/GK - April 2010
   Sultana: Sinking of; and WW2 Sinking of the Indianapolis
Speaker: Ken Mackie, CWRT - September 2003
   Sultana: America's Greatest Maritime Disaster
Speaker: Roger Talyer, CWRT - October 2020
   Supplying an Army: Food
Speaker: Peter and Michelle Clarabut, CWRT - November 2022
   Surgeon in the Army of the Potomac: Francis M. Wafer
Speaker: Dr. Cheryl Wells, Univ. of Wyoming - June 2008
   Thomas, George: "The Rock of Chickamauga"
Speaker: Alan Kidd, CWRT/GK - April 2006
   Thomas, George: Old Slow Trot"
Speaker: Tom Cundill, CWRT/GK - May 2015
   Tombstones: the Impact of the ACW on Tombstones"
Speaker: Gary Foster - December 2012
   Train: Great Locomotive Chase: April 1862"
Speaker: John Fox - October 2017
   Training in the American Civil War
Speaker: John Moyer CWRT/GK - April 2002
   Trent Affair
Speaker: Paul Van Nest, CWRT/GK - March 2007
   Tubman, Harriet
Speaker: Dave Dorward, CWRT/GK - September 2021
   Underground Railroad
Speaker: Susan Smith, CWRT-Ottawa - September 2016
   United Daughters of the Confederacy
Presented by Dr. Cheryl Wells, CWRT/GK - March 2023
   Upton, Emory
Speaker: Gord Sly, CWRT/GK - April 2016
   Vermont's Irish Company
Speaker: William McKone, Vermont - October 2012
   Vermont, 3rd Volunteer Regiment in Peninsula
Speaker: Bill Cookman, May 2013
   Vicksburg, The Campaign For
Speaker: John Converse, CWRT/GK - December 1998
   Vicksburg, The Campaign for
Speaker: John Converse, CWRT/GK - March 2001
   Vicksburg - Porter's Run"
Speaker: Lyle Merriam, CWRT/GK - March 2002
   Vicksburg Revisited
Speakers: Don Coulter and Murray Hogben, CWRT/GK - October 2002
Speaker: Roger Taylor, CWRT/GK - October 2018
   Virginia Military Institute & the Battle of New Market
Speakers: Roger Taylor & Paul Van Nest - Feb 2016
   Visiting Civil War Sites
Speaker: Lloyd Therien, CWRT/GK - June 2002
   Von Borcke: JEB Stuart's Prussian Aid
Speaker: Volker Gruetzner, CWRT/GK - February 2019
   Walker's (William) Trial: a Matter of Black and White."
A Black was executed for leading a revolt over equal pay for Blacks in the army."
Speaker: Ray Rawlings, Associate CWRT/GK - October 2003

   War of 1812
Speaker: Lloyd Therien, CWRT/GK and Rick Ranson - February 2013
   Warfare, First Modern?
Speaker: Wayne Pickering, CWRT/GK - May 2003
   Warfare: from Reconciliation to Revenge
Speaker: Holloway, Rod CWRT/GK - November 2023
   Wargaming: Battle of Salem Church
Master Wargamer: Ross Cossar - May 2023

   Washington's Forts
Speakers: Don Coulter and Murray Hogben , CWRT/GK - January 2009
   Washington in Lincoln's Time
Speaker: Kieran McAuliffe, CWRT/GK - May 2005
   Weather: The Other 'Fog of War'
Speaker: Pete Clarabut, CWRT/GK - Jan 2024
   Western Civil War: New Mexico and Arizona
Speaker: Susan Schmidt, CWRT/GK & Ottawa - January 2016
   Wilcox, Cadmus Marcelus
Speaker: Paul Van Nest, CWRT/GK - January 2024
   Wilson Creek, Missouri - 10 August 1861
Speaker: Paul Van Nest, CWRT/GK - March 2000
   Winchester, 3rd Battle of: or Opequon Creek
Speaker: Murray Hogben, CWRT/GK - April 1999
   Wisconsin 8th Regiment: Old Abe
Speaker: Dave Dorward, CWRT/GK - November 2022
   Women: Anna Ella Carroll
Speakers: Tom Brzezicki, CWRT/GK - March 2010
    Women: Clara Barton
Speaker: Susan Smith, Member CWRT/GK - June 2005

   Women: Emma Edmonds - Civil War Spy?"
New Brunswick-born female in male disguise.
Written by John Converse, CWRT/GK - October 2005
   World War II - Wes Alkenbrack's Normandy Story
By Wes Alkenbrack, CWRT/GK - October 2004



"Antietam: Some Aspects of Artillery" by Wes Alkenbrack
"Bentonville" - Doug Huddle, CWRT/GK
"Bermuda 100 Campaign and Ben Butler" by Paul Van Nest
"Canada and the American Civil War" - Paul Van Nest, CWRT/GK
"Chancellorsville" - Jack Pike & Don Schurman, CWRT/GK
"Diary of Mary Chestnut" - Prof Virginia Rock, York University
"Election of 1860" - Lyle Merriam, CWRT/GK
"European Journalists Visit the Confederacy" - Frank Packer, CWRT/GK
"Gettysburg" - Jack Pike, CWRT/GK
"Gettysburg: Days 1 and 2" by Jack Pike
"Generals: Grant, Sherman, Sheridan - Three Hard Men" by Murray Hogben, CWRT/GK
      6 March 1997
"General Ewell" - Ron Frappier, ONC/CWRT
"Hancock the Magnificent" - Ron Frappier, ONC/CWRT
"Ideology and the American Civil War" - John Ashley, CWRT/GK
"Influence of Waterways" - Don Coulter, CWRT/GK
"Legal and Political Aspects of the Civil War" - Doran Henderson, CWRT/GK
"Lincoln Collection" - Michael Renshawe, McGill University
"'Maple Leaf' " - Evelyn Bishop, CWRT/GK
"Medicine in the Civil War" by Jack Morgan and Ken Mackie
"Medicine: Kingston Doctor in the Union Army" - Murray Hogben, CWRT/GK
      Francis M. Wafer, M.D. - 5 October 1995
"2nd Michigan Volunteers" by Brad Ellis - Ottawa CWRT
"Music: Military Bands in the Civil War" - Jim Lenard, CWRT/GK
"Naval Technology in the Civil War" - Ed Reed, ONC/CWRT
"Naval Strategy: Confederate" - Ed Reed, ONC/CWRT
"Niagara Region, American Civil War Impact on" by Marty Myers - St. Catharines
"Patents of the Civil War" - Frank Packer, CWRT/GK
"Peninsula Campaign" - Rod McDonald, CWRT/GK
"Penisula Campaign, Failed Confederate Leadership" by Murray Hogben and Don Coulter
"Principles of War" - John Ashley, CWRT/GK
"Prisons of the Civil War" - Cliff Scott, ONC/CWRT
"Quartermasters & Subsistence" - John Converse, CWRT/GK
"Railroads of the Civil War" - John Converse, CWRT/GK
"Sherman" - Frank Packer, CWRT/GK
"Small Arms of the Civil War" - Jim Lenard, CWRT/GK
"Spotsylvania" - Jack Pike, CWRT/GK
"Staff, Evolution during Civil War" - Chris Sproule
"U.S. Grant" - Margaret Angus, CWRT/GK
"Wilderness" - Jack Pike, CWRT/GK
"Women in the Civil War" - Mary Ann Mercier, ONC/CWRT


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| Webmaster Paul Van Nest |